DGR Compliance

DGTecsaSouth Africa’s PREMIUM Transport Emergency Card (TEC™)

Vehicle Compliance

For any company involved in the handling and transportation of hazardous goods such as chemicals or high pressure flammable materials (as per SANS 10228), compliance to stringent dangerous goods vehicle requirements is non-negotiable. Failure to comply could lead to fines, not to mention it could jeopardise the health and safety of employees and the community.

DGR Compliance  supplies a wide range of mandatory hazchem and safety signage as well as safety equipment solutions and spill kits in line with South African legislation. Our products and solutions are aligned to legislative and quality standards – with us, you can rest assured knowing that the vehicles you send out on the road are legally compliant and adhere to health and safety regulations.

In addition to the products and offerings below, we also provide sound guidance and support when it comes to meeting regulatory requirements and the steps that your business can take.

Vehicle Emergency Information System Requirements

ABS plastic placards, vinyl placards and vinyl freight decals

All placards and stickers are supplied according to the specifications as laid out in SANS 10232.1 & SANS 10268 which clearly states that the black border of all placards must be fully visible and not hidden by any holding device.

The outer placard dimensions are therefore larger than the specified placard measurement in order to comply with the above rule. In addition, the placards have an extended white border around the specified placard measurements so that they can be inserted into the holding frame without covering the black border.

Vehicles that only carry a single substance or a generic group of substances (in the case of the Petroleum industry) may stick a vinyl placard to the vehicle permanently. This is only permissible where the vehicle is never completely purged of its contents.

Enquire about our Vehicle Placarding products

    1. The vehicle placarding and documentation shall at all times be an accurate reflection of the Dangerous Goods being transported.
    2. The full placard, including the 10 mm black border shall be clearly visible from the roadside, whether directly fixed on the vehicle, or supported by means of a permanently fixed frame. The placard shall be clean, legible and not defaced at all times.
    3. Three regular-size Dangerous Goods placards shall be affixed to each cargo containment area of a Rigid vehicle, Semi-trailer, Trailer, one at the rear and one on either side of the vehicle, so as to be clearly visible from the roadside. Vehicles with GVM less than 3500 kg may be fitted with the reduced size placards, where space does not allow the fitting of a regular-size placard.
    4. A regular-size Danger Warning Diamond shall be so affixed to the front of a vehicle or a truck tractor as to be clearly visible from the front. Vehicles with a GVM less than 3500 kg may be fitted with a reduced-size Danger Warning Diamond where space does not allow the fitting of a regular-size Danger Warning Diamond.
    5. Dangerous goods that are transported at a temperature in excess of 100 Degrees Celsius (in the case of liquids) or 240 Degrees Celsius (in the case of solids) shall have three Elevated Temperature warning triangles attached to the cargo unit, one on either side and one on the rear of the unit, so as to be clearly visible from the roadside
    6. Vehicles shall, in the Designated Space, carry the following documents:
      • Transport emergency card for each Dangerous Goods item
      • One or more Dangerous Goods Declarations to cover all the goods that comprise the load
      • Confirmation of Classified Waste, if applicable
      • Container packing certificate, if applicable
      • A nominally empty packing certificate (see SANS 10406) if applicable
  • B: ROAD TANKERS AND BULK CARRIERS: In the case of road tankers and bulk carriers, the placards, dangerous goods declaration(s) and transport emergency card(s) shall be retained until the vehicle has been certified clean.
  • C: PACKAGED GOODS & INTERMEDIATE BULK CONTAINERS (IBC): In the case of packaged goods and IBC’s all the placards shall be removed from the sides and rear of the vehicle and the documents shall be removed from the designated area immediately after all the goods have been off-loaded , provided no spillage has occurred. If spillage occurred during the transport operation, the placards, DGD(s) and transport emergency card(s) shall be retained after the goods have been off-loaded , until the vehicle has been cleaned and certified as such.
  • D: FREIGHT CONTAINERS: Vehicles that transport freight containers that are placarded in accordance with this part of SANS 10232 require only a Danger Warning Diamond in addition to the required documentation in the Designated Space. Freight containers that are being transported by road as part of a journey that includes movement by sea freight or across borders, shall carry split placards that consist of the appropriate hazard class and subsidiary risk diamonds and goods identification rectangle affixed to either side and each end of the container so that they are clearly visible from both the rear and the roadside during transport and also meet the requirements of the IMDG regulations. Freight containers not intended to be carried as sea freight or across borders shall carry the normal dangerous goods placards on either side and each end so that they are clearly visible from both the rear and the roadside during transport.
  • E: MIXED LOADS (Previously called MULTILOAD): Vehicles that carry goods of more than one hazard class shall bear the words “MIXED LOAD” in the goods identification zone and the mixed load hazard class diamond in the hazard class diamond zone of the placard. Vehicles that carry goods of a single Hazard class and of the same ERG shall bear the UN No of the most hazard substance in the goods identification zone, and the hazard class diamond relevant to it in the hazard class diamond zone of the placard. Mixed loads of this type shall be placarded as for a single load. Vehicles that carry goods of a single hazard class but of different ERG’s shall bear the words “MIXED LOAD” in the goods identification zone and the relevant hazard class diamond in the hazard class diamond zone of the placard.
  • F: WASTE PRODUCTS CLASSIFIED AS DANGEROUS GOODS: Vehicles that transport waste products classified as dangerous goods shall comply with the placard requirements previously mentioned.The word “WASTE” shall be added above the UN No. in the goods identification zone of the dangerous goods placard. A container used for the transport of dangerous goods that has not been cleaned and is not accompanied by a nominally empty packaging certificate (see SANS 10406) shall be classified as a dangerous goods Waste product. Empty triple rinsed pesticide containers that have been rendered unserviceable shall be classified as non-hazardous.
  • G: TRANSPORT OF PETROLEUM-BASED PRODUCTS: The following petroleum-based products: Diesel ( UN1202 ) , Petrol ( UN1203 ), Kerosene ( UN1223 ) and Aviation fuel ( UN1863 ) may be placarded with the generic UN Number 1203 , either singly or as a Mixed Load. Note: It is recommended that a tank vehicle, which is dedicated to any of these products, uses the appropriate UN Number for the product on the placard. When transporting petroleum-based products, the transport emergency card(s) shall reflect the actual substance(s) on the vehicle.
  • H: TRANSPORT OF GASES: When transporting a single gas, the relevant placard and transport emergency card shall apply. Mixed loads of gases may be transported under the following 5 group transport emergency cards:
    1. Compressed gases, oxidising
    2. Compressed gases, toxic
    3. Compressed gases, flammable
    4. Compressed gases (except Compressed Air), asphyxiant
    5. Liquefied gas, flammable.
    1. Dangerous Goods Placard – Road vehicles
    2. Danger Warning Diamond – Road vehicles
    3. 3 Split Placarding – IMDG Containers
      1. Shall indicate the four digit UN No. of the dangerous goods being transported. When waste is transported, the word “WASTE” shall be added above the UN No.
      2. In the case of a mixed load the words “MIXED LOAD” shall appear in the goods identification zone, with the two words “MIXED” & “LOAD” one above the other in the zone.
      3. The goods identification zone within the black border shall be of width 290 mm and height of 130 mm, and shall be Orange
      4. The UN No and the words “MIXED LOAD” and “WASTE” shall be black.
      5. The characters of the UN No shall be of height 100 mm. In the case of a single load of waste the word “WASTE” and the characters of the UN No shall be of height 50 mm. In the case of a mixed load the words “MIXED LOAD” shall be of height 50 mm and the two words “MIXED” and “LOAD” shall be on separate lines inside the zone.
    1. The Operator telephonic advice number zone shall contain one or two telephone numbers, one of which shall be a landline, preceded by the Area code.
    2. This landline shall be available on a 24 hour basis, and shall be the number of the Operator at the premises from which the business is conducted.
    3. It shall be possible to obtain details about the cargo and the route of the vehicle at this number.
    4. The Operator telephonic advice number zone shall be of width 290 mm and of height 115 mm, and shall be Orange.
    5. The characters of the telephone number(s) shall be of height 50 mm and shall be black.
    1. The Specialist telephonic advice number zone shall contain one or two telephone numbers, one of which shall be a landline, preceded by the Area code.
    2. This landline shall be available on a 24-hour basis and shall be the number of a party that can supply specialist advice on the hazards associated with the cargo.
    3. The Operator telephonic advice number zone shall be of width 290 mm and of height 115 mm and shall be Orange.
    4. The Operator telephonic advice number zone shall be of width 290 mm and of height 115 mm and shall be Orange.
    5. The characters of the telephone number(s) shall be of height 50 mm and shall be Black.
    1. It shall display the hazard class diamond appropriate to the hazard associated with the goods in terms of SANS 10228.
    2. Where subsidiary risks are identified in terms of SANS 10228, the subsidiary risk diamonds shall be attached to the sides of the hazard class warning diamond.

A. Standard Size Placard

Standard Size


  1. Goods identification zone
  2. Operator telephonic advice zone
  3. Specialist telephonic advice zone
  4. Hazard class diamond zone
  5. Position of hazard class diamond or Mixed Load Diamond
  6. Position of subsidiary risk diamond (s)

B. Reduced Size Placard

Reduced Size


  1. Goods identification zone
  2. Operator telephonic advice zone
  3. Specialist telephonic advice zone
  4. Hazard class diamond zone
  5. Position of hazard class diamond or Mixed Load Diamond

Examples of Hazard Class Placarding Variants

DGR supplies the following charts:

Class-1 Class-2 Class-3 Class-4 Class-5 Class-6 Class-7 Class-8 Class-9 Main-and-Subsidiary-Risk Mixed-Load Waste

  • Placards – All variants
  • Hazard Class Decals Chart
  • Transport Class Compatibility Chart
  • Warehouse Class Compatibility Chart
  • IMDG Class Compatibility Chart

Available in the following sizes: A0, A1, A2, A3, A4 (laminated)

Contact us for pricing

Low Hazard Placarding for Vehicles

A1: Environmental Hazard Placard

The environmental hazard symbol shall be used when a spill will pose a threat of a temporary nature to any ecological system, for example a water pollutant that would endanger aquatic life.

Milk, Wine, Spirits & other beverages

A2: Slippery Hazard Placard

The slippery hazard symbol shall be used when spills will result in slippery road conditions that could lead to accidents.

Petroleum based products that are not classified as dangerous goods – waxes including wax emulsions in water vegetable oil.

A3: Fine Dust Hazard Placard

The fine dust hazard symbol shall be used when spills will result in fine dust that could present a breathing hazard, or cause irritation of the mucous membranes, or affect road visibility.

Flour sand or any granular material that contains a portion of fine particles. Cereals and other plant seeds that contain a portion of fine particles stock feeds.

A4: Spraying with Water Hazard Placard

The symbol for the hazard caused by spraying with water shall be used when spraying with water could result in slippery conditions.

Surfactants in powder form soap powder certain water-treatment chemicals, e.g. Flocculants.

A5: Minimal Hazard Placard

The minimal hazard symbol shall be used when the goods being transported present no greater hazard than that presented by a wet road and have no adverse effect on the environment.

Portable water dilute solutions in water.

Positioning of Vehicle Placarding & Warning Diamond

positioningRegistration & Licensing of Vehicles Transporting Dangerous Goods

Dangerous goods regulations dictate that a vehicle must be registered for the transport of hazardous materials in accordance with the relevant national legislation.

There are three registration discs required:

Annual Licence & Roadworthy – Issued to all vehicles irrespective of the GVM – Issued by local licencing officeOperator Card – G : Issued to Commercial vehicles with a GVM of over 3500 kg – Transport of General cargo only – Issued by local licencing officeOperator Card – G , D : Issued to Commercial vehicles with a GVM of over 3500 kg – Transport of General and Dangerous Goods cargo – Issued by local licencing office
Operator Card – D : Issued to Commercial vehicles with a GVM of under 3500 kg – Transport of Generic – Dangerous Goods cargo – Issued by local licencing officeOperator Card – D : Issued to Commercial vehicles with a GVM of under 3500 kg – Transport of Class 6.2 – Infectious Substances cargo – Issued by local licencing officeDangerous Goods Transport Permit : Issued to all vehicles transporting Dangerous Goods ( Class 1 to Class 9 ) – Issued by local Emergency Responders where the vehicle is licenced

Enquire about our Registration & Licensing services

Compliance Examples for vehicles with a GVM of less than 3500 kg

Designated space (document holder) securely fitted in the cabDOCUMENT BOX
Orange warning diamond & holding frame: displayed when dangerous goods on board, reversed when vehicle is empty
Power supply isolating switchPOWER SUPPLY ISOLATING SWITCH
4,5kg fire extinguisher4,5 KG FIRE EXTINGUISHER
Reduced size placard fitted inside a holding frame & no smoking / no naked flame decals (placard visible indicating dangerous goods on board)
Rear & side view of reduced size placard inside a holding frame indicating dangerous goods on board, also displaying compliant 4,5kg fire extinguishers
Reduced size placard fitted inside a securing frame & no smoking / no naked flame decals (placard reversed indicating no dangerous goods on board)REDUCED SIZE PLACARD FITTED INSIDE A SECURING FRAME

Compliance Examples for vehicles with a GVM of more than 3500 kg

Designated space (document holder) securely fitted in the cab01
Orange warning diamond & holding frame: displayed when dangerous goods on board, reversed when vehicle is empty
Power supply isolating switch03
9kg fire extinguisher04
Front view of the vehicle (warning diamond indicating dangerous goods on board)05
Rear view of standard size placard inside a holding frame (indicating dangerous goods on board)06
Side view indicating dangerous goods on board07
Side and front view indicating dangerous goods on board08
Side and rear view indicating dangerous goods on board09
Standard size placard fitted inside a securing frame & no smoking / no naked flame decals (placard reversed indicating no dangerous goods on board)
Rear & side view of standard size placard fitted inside a securing frame & no smoking/no naked flame decals (placard reversed indicating no dangerous goods on board)

Bulk Fuel Tankers

Visibility of Placards

Clause 4.1.2: The FULL placard including the 10 mm BLACK BORDER shall be clearly visible from the roadside, whether directly fixed on the vehicle, or supported by means of a permanently fixed frame. The placard shall be clean, legible and not defaced at all times.


Visibility of Warning Diamonds

Clause 5.5: A warning diamond shall be a square with each side of the length 250 mm (visible), set with one of its diagonals vertically. The colour of the diamond shall be orange.


Fire Extinguisher Requirements

NOTE: Fire extinguisher requirements are governed by municipal by-laws


Requirements for the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (Boksburg, Germiston, Kempton Park & surrounding towns)

All vehicles with a GVM of less than 3500kg2 x 2,5kg DCP – Unit mounting not to obscure rearward vision
Mechanical Horse1 x 9kg DCP – Unit mounted outside at rear of cab
Trailers & Drawbars2 x 9 kg DCP
Pup Tankers1 x 9kg DCP

Requirements for the Ethekweni (KZN) Metropolitan Municipality

Bakkies2 x 9kg DCP – Unit mounting not to obscure rearward vision – Mounted on either side
GVM: 1000kg up to 3500 kg2 x 9kg DCP – Unit mounting not to obscure rearward vision – Mounted on either side
GVM: 3500kg up to 8000kg2 x 9kg Dry Power extinguisher, one on either side
Horse & Single TrailersHORSE: 1 x 9kg DCP – Unit mounting not to obscure rearward vision – Mounted on the outside of rear of cabTRAILER: 2 x 9kg DCP – Unit mounting not to obscure rearward vision – Mounted on either side
Horse & Two TrailersHORSE: 1 x 9kg DCP – Unit mounting not to obscure rearward vision – Mounted on the outside of rear of cabEACH TRAILER: 2 x 9kg DCP – Unit mounting not to obscure rearward vision – Mounted on either side

International Maritime Organisation DG Code

Legal Split Placarding for General Freight & Tank Containers


Hazard Labels: The hazard labels shall be in the form of a square, set at an angle of 45º (Diamond Shaped)

Transport Information:

A: The proper shipping name of the substance contained in the container shall be displayed in black letters (10 mm x 100 mm) on a White background.

B: The appropriate UN Number of the substance shall be displayed in black letters (10 mm x 100 mm) with a black border 10 mm thick and displayed on an Orange background.

C: The applicable hazard label & any subsidiary hazard risk diamond shall be attached to the container. The hazard class diamonds shall be 250 mm x 250 mm in size.

Location of Hazard Labels: The above mentioned labels shall be attached to all four sides of the container.

Marine Pollutants: If a substance is a marine pollutant then the marine pollutant Hazard decal shall be displayed on all four sides of the container.

(NOTE: The Agent is responsible to ensure that the correct signage is displayed on the container before it leaves the Consignor’s premises and the signage does not get removed until the containers have been emptied at the Consignee’s premise and the liquid containers have been purged.)

Split placarding required on all four sides of the tank container and general purpose container


Examples of illegal split placarding


Don’t be a victim of legislature – if you are not sure what to do regarding the vehicle compliance of dangerous goods, where to obtain the relevant licenses, placards, audits, etc. DGR Compliance can save you time, energy and money by doing it right from the beginning.

For specific vehicle or hazard class configurations, click here to contact us.

Vehicle Compliance

Don’t pay the price of non-compliance”


Stay up to date with legal requirements for dangerous goods transportation.