DGR Compliance Training
Select an option below to view our various training modules
Competency Management Supervisor & Controllers
Transportation , Warehousing and associated tasks relating to Dangerous Goods Transportation by road.
As well as Handling, Packaging, Storage and Transportation of Hazard Class 6.2 – Infectious Substances by road and air course.
Competency Qualified Persons
Handling, Packaging, Storage and Transportation of Dangerous Goods by road.
As well as Handling, Packaging, Storage and Transportation of Hazard Class 6.2 – Infectious Substances by road and air course.
Competency Driver
Vehicle Driver – All Hazard Classes
Hazard Class 6.2 – Infectious Substances
Class 1 – Explosives & Class 5.1 – Ammonium Nitrate
Competency Combination of Qualified Person Driver
Handling, Packaging, Storage and Transportation of Dangerous Goods by road.
As well as Handling, Packaging, Storage and Transportation of Hazard Class 6.2 – Infectious Substances by road and air course.