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Dangerous Goods Class Compatibility on Delivery Vehicles

If you are in the hazardous goods transport business, whether it is transporting poisonous substances, petroleum, inflammable goods, explosives or other dangerous substances, it is imperative that you not only comply with the relevant legislation, but that you and your staff are well-versed in the handling, transportation and storage of these perilous commodities for the safety operating personnel and protection against potentially harmful accidents.

Load Compatibility Chart

Below is an overview of load compatibilities for vehicles transporting dangerous goods as referenced in Dangerous Goods South African Standard: SANS 10231.

dangerous goods vehicle load compatibility chart

GreenIndicates permitted mixed class loading
RedIndicates prohibited mixed class loading
Yellow (A)Indicates mixed class loading, but the goods must be kept at least 1 metre apart
BlueIndicates that these classes (1 & 7) are regulated under the Explosives and Nuclear Energy Acts and these Acts’ recommendations must be followed


  • Load compatibility and segregation shall be based on the hazard class and subsidiary risk diamonds displayed on packages and containers.
  • Both the hazard class and any subsidiary risks shall be considered, on an equal basis, in the segregation of cargo.
  • Cargo segregation on multi-class vehicles shall conform to the requirements of the load compatibility chart, and the special provisions according to each hazard class
  • Cognisance shall be taken of the reactivity of individual substances with each other, even if permitted in accordance with the load compatibility chart


Class 1:

Explosives are regulated by the Explosives Act No 15 of 2003 and the provisions of this Act must be followed when transporting this Class. The Emergency Information Systems found in SANS 10232.1 are also applicable.

Class 7:

Radioactive material is regulated by the Nuclear Energy Act No 131 of 1993 and the provisions of this Act must be followed when transporting this Class. The Emergency Information Systems found in SANS 10232.1 are also applicable.

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